Wednesday, January 28, 2015

We Need Feminism

Taken from a discussion on Instagram about whether or not we as members of the LDS church should be feminist.

With feminism and the way the world is today, it is actually frowned upon more if a woman doesn't go to college and become a working mother.  I have gotten so much crap from feminists for simply wanting to be a stay at home mom, and I have been accused of not being a feminist because of it, which is sad. I think you just have to associate yourselves with the right feminists.

It's not just fighting for equal rights. It's fighting against sexual assault and sex trafficking. Imagine you have a daughter one day who decided to wear a tank top or something that covered her body a little less than she should have. Imagine if some scumbag came along and grabbed her butt, cat called her or did something even worse to show her that she was merely an "object". You would be pissed, and rightly so. Your daughter deserves better than that. She deserves to be treated as a human being and not as an object to be ogled at. That's what feminism is about. Treating everyone equally and respecting everyone else's space. Without feminism, we would have women being sold as prostitutes and young brides way more than we do now, which sadly, is already a high number.

Women can, and should fight for this, especially in the church. It's sad to say, but I am a feminist because of the church. When I was in YW, my teachers taught stuff that was incredibly confusing. I don't know if it was from the book or what, but while the men were receiving enlightening lessons on how to improve their faith, we were being taught how to be better for the MEN, how to dress to keep the MEN in line, how to support the MEN. NEVER was the lesson about our own spirituality. We were always taught to be stronger for the men. And that is truly sad. Even now, in RS, we are getting the homemaker lessons while the men are getting the enlightenment lessons.

We need feminism, even in this gospel. ESPECIALLY in this gospel. At least for the teachers. For our wives, for our daughters, for our nieces and sisters, for the TRUE equality of EVERYONE.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Thoughts on Sex

This was originally posted in a group for Mormon teenage girls, where I felt impressed to share my thoughts. It's not bashing anyone who has had premarital sex. It's just my thoughts on the incredible power sex carries, and the dangers of playing with it.